Saturday, May 12, 2007

First things first

Guess i'd been editing this post for a number of times .. initial hiccups ..who knows? ..may be hiccups for ever..

so its first things first .. laying out some conventions ,themes for the "would be" blog of mine. As its evident , iam the Mystic Riddler .. so why not the blog have the theme of riddles ..or why cant the blog be a riddle to unfold the identity of the characters portrayed with a bit of fun

Riddler is supposed to be an alter-ego of the blogger, more characters come by who are the blogger's house mates ,colleagues who'll be named in a riddly fashion..

OK .so whats behind the bloggers name? .. well..its a short story which will be published in a subsequent post.

The posts will be told by the ~MR who is the riddler complement who explains the scenario in the 3rd person .. that might be an interesting idea ..


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