Was it the Friday the 13th ..Ohh no .just missed it was friday the 11th ...Anyway it was a bit of horror as MR had to witness a big set of mix ups ..
so it began like this ..
MR wants a important doc to be made from the hon: govt of india ..which should have been taken long back ,but due to inherent quality of madi (laziness), the MR had delayed for ...yes ..almost 8 yrs ..And now the time has come it seems
So this time he doesn't want to miss a chance , the doc application requires a recent photograph .. MR have an old photograph , but i guess that resembles somebody else rather than MRs present face morphology .. so MR decides to take a new photograph ..
walks to the studio and takes the photo, the studio walah presents with a large array of offers ..12 passport 6 stamps ..40rs etc etc ... and a never ending permutation of passport and stamp sizes ..MR opt for the 40rs whatever ..
MR catches the next bus to office ..usual things over there ..anyway MR notices that his phone is a bit more active than before ..getting too many calls from unknown numbers ..MR simply ignores the calls ..they can be from job consultants whom MR is now allergic of
its the evening when the things get more interesting ..after a grueling session of ff 2.0 testing by 5.30 MR receives a mail from the broadband provider..you have not paid the bill ..pay or get disconnected ..what the heck ..MR is furious .. if you have paid then furnish the details ..the isp threatens more ... well no idea of the cheque number ..so MR catches the next bus home ..And ...finds what!! ..
The broadband is not working at all .. MR grabs the cheque book and figures out the what the cheque number would have been and runs to the next net-cafe to shoot the reply ..
Net-cafe .. guess the cafe owners were absolutely unaware of the happenings in the web2.0 space ..so they were still using the old IE5s .. which the new age mail service ..works ..but with a bit a hesitation ..so using the IE5 gmail MR shoots a reply with the cheque number (which god only knows was correct or not)
The next moment, MR is totally in WAR against the ISP ..and decides to go for a wireless connection from the most sought after provider of wireless internet ..so he goes to their World and this is the conversation that goes on there ..
MR. I want to get a ------ connection.
Net Guy : ..what kind usb/pc card
MR : whatever i dont care..
Net Guy: we need the address proof blah blah
MR: here's the copy of my rental agreement.
Net Guy: Agreement wont do , do you have bank statement,gas statement,telephone bill ..
MR doesn't have that ..anyway
One more guy hijacks the conversation ..
MR says
I have a ebill of my ------ broadband account ..
Netguy 2: Ohh that will do ..login to your mail ID and get me a printout ..
So MR goes inside ..
Can i have a printout from my mail account ..
Netguy 3 : The server is down no way ..
GREAT !!!! ..
Anyway escape from there ..
Still there is a photograph to be collected from the studio ..
so lets go there MR thinks ..
place: The studio : 7:30PM.
MR : Can i collect the photograph
Studio Walah: (visibly a bit uneasy) ..Oye ..where is that .(asks some other guy)
Together they do a bit of every search algorithm ..finally
Studio Walah: Sir, we dont have ur photograph
MR: why, I had come in the morning,you had taken my photograph I have paid the advance in full as well in indian currency
Studio Walah: The file had gone corrupt ,we tried calling you but you never picked up the phone
MR now understood why the phone was too active ..!!
MR:Now what can be done ..
Studio Walah: Take a new one ..you'll get it by tomorrow morning ..
Well it has something to do with the same fraternity..some bug -> file corruption..good job bro
After a good deal of waiting , the studio is free ... MR goes in takes the photo and out ..
time is 8:30 ..
what can a normal man do when the whole world seems to conspire against him .. simply wait and accept
Saturday, May 12, 2007
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